12 July 2015

Physics MCQ'S

Question: 1   The dimensions of volume are
  1. M0L2 T 0
  2. M0 L3 T-1
  3. 0 L 3 T 0
  4. M3 T1
Question: 2   The dimensional formula ML2 T-2 represents
  1. the moment of a force
  2. acceleration
  3. force
  4. momentum
Question: 3   Which of the following pairs of physical quantities have the same dimensions?
  1. momentum and impulse
  2. energy and surface energy
  3. momentum and angular momentum
  4. force and surface tension
Question: 4   Dimensional analysis can be used in deducing the exact relationship between any number of physical quantities
  1. True
  2. False
  3. Uncertain
  4. none of these
Question: 5   The M.K.S unit of energy is
  1. Dyne/sec
  2. Joule
  3. erg
  4. none of these
Question: 6   In S.I. system Pascal is a unit of
  1. surface tension
  2. surface energy
  3. Viscosity
  4. velocity
Question: 7   In the Bernoullie's theory the term 1/2 pv2 and pgx process the same unit as of
  1. pressure
  2. force
  3. impulse
  4. strain
Question: 8   Watt-sec is a unit of
  1. momentum
  2. force
  3. energy
  4. power
Question: 9   The unit of current density is
  1. ampere metre2
  2. ampere/metre
  3. weber/metre2
  4. ampere/metre2
Question: 10   One pascal in SI is equal to
  1. one newton metre
  2. one newton metre-1
  3. one newton metre-2
  4. one dyne cm2
Question: 11  One big advantage of the atomic standards of length and time is that
  1. they are of human size
  2. they can be measured with simple equipment
  3. they are natural units
  4. they can be duplicated anywhere
Following list gives the correct choice for the answer of the Physics mcqs.
1 . C       2 . A       3 . A       4 . A       5 . B       6 . C       7 . A       8 . B       9 . D       10 . C       11 . D  

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