08 July 2016

Say Not the Struggle Naught Availeth Reference Context & Explanations

The lines given for explanation have been extracted from the poem entitled Say Not the Struggle Naught Availeth, composed by Arthur Hugh Clough.
About the Poet
He is a great poet but known and admired more for his friendship with a greater poet and educationist, Mathew Arnold and for his support to Florence Nightingale.
About the Poem
This poem teaches the moral lesson of inflicting courage, ceaseless struggle and sunny optimism of hope and aspiration. The poet through various images conveys a great message that without struggle, man cannot accomplish anything really great in this world. Struggle is the key to success in human life. It is rightly said:
“All honour to those who try.”

If hopes were dupes, fears may be liars ------------And, but for you, possesses the field.
In the lines given for elucidation the poet emphasizes the fact that hope and fear are part of human nature. Hope and apprehension are equally reasonable and hope is more likely to be beneficial we should keep the ray of hope lit in our hearts, and at the same time trying to achieve our goal. Only such positive approach can help us in conquering the enemy and changing the things for betterment. The poet uses the symbol of the battlefield by referring to two kinds of soldiers. Those who are chicken hearted are easily overcome with fear, on the contrary, those soldiers who are filled with courage and boldness are determined to fight till the last drop of their blood, eventually makes them accomplish their mission.

STANZA NO. 1: "Say not the -------------------------- have been they remain."

In this stanza the poet advises us that we should never think that struggles do not get unrewarded. We must not be disappointed with temporary failure. Giving the example of a battle field the poet says that we should not think that the enemy, will not become weak and our hard work has no effect on the enemy. The poet encourages us by saying that never go waste. We should never think that things will not change in our favour and affairs will remain as they are.
STANZA NO. 3: "For while the --------------------------flooding in the main."

In this stanza the poet says that some times immediate results are not in our favour but our hard work does not go waste. The poet gives the example of a man who is standing on the beach watching the waves striking against the rocks on the shore. It appears that the waves are striking against the rock is useless because they do not seem to gain even a single inch of land. But the same waves are making inlets at some distance through which the water is flowing. This shows that we should never lost courage but keep on working hard. Our efforts do not go waste, but win definetly bring us success.

STANZA NO. 4: "And not by-------------------------------the land is bright."

In these lines the poet says that we should always remain hopeful and should never think that our efforts are useless and are not producing immediate results. He gives the example of a man who is looking at the rising son through eastern windows. To him it appears that the son is rising very slowly. But when he looks to wards the west he finds that the son has spread its light in all directions and has brightened the whole land. Thus the poet tells us that our struggles do not go waste and bring good results in the long run.


  1. excellent explanation of the references

  2. I appreciate these efforts . Thanks allot

  3. Good explanation but in last stanza it's sun not son.

  4. i really like this ...

  5. The explanations are good and very helpful.

  6. Really helpful .....
    Thank u so much����❤

  7. I am not able to knock the smile off my face after finding your explanation. This is very helpful for me. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!

    (if you were next to me right now, I would for sure hug the life out of you with love of being grateful.) LOVE YOU!

    - SHOBICA!

  8. Stanza 2 expansion is not here please uploading as soon as possible

  9. Not up to the mark
