07 July 2016

Modal Speech for students On CLEANLINESS AND IT'S BENEFITS

 In the name of Allah the most Merciful and Beneficient.
                                   Respected elders and my dear brothers and sisters;

Today, it is an honour for me to be speaking in favour of cleanliness. Being here with such
honourable people is a great moment in my life.

Cleanliness is also regarded as a sign of spiritual growth and purity.
It is a good habit to keep our surroundings and ourselves clean and tidy.
Some nations attach the utmost importance to cleanliness.

Cleanliness of body leads to purity of mind, which elevates our moral and spiritual life,
 and at last brings us nearer to God.Cleanliness is a mark of politeness. It commands respect.
Everyone likes a person of clean habits. Cleanliness in itself gives us a good feeling.
Cleanliness of body is essential for good health. It is said that dirt and disease always go
together. So for keeping good health we should have regular bath, we should clean our body,
clothes and surroundings. We should also avoid dirty food.

Men of clean habits are liked by all. All dislike and avoid dirty men.
Their dirty habits spread the germs of disease. Cleanliness of the body brings about the purity
of mind. A neat and clean body with a clean mind is the abode of god.Cleanliness ensures
good health. If the body is regularly washed, dirt cannot choke the pores of the skin.
This removes dirt through perspiration. On the other hand, if the pores are choked up,
the impurities of the body cannot come out, and various diseases may follow.

Exercise can do no good, if we do not keep our body clean. We should. Therefore,
be most careful in this respect. We should also keep our dress and clothes clean,
and we should avoid dirty food. We should carefully throw the domestic waste in the garbage
boxes. If one adheres to all these habits, one can be free from diseases and lead a happy life.
Cleanliness is a mark of politeness. It commands respect. Everyone likes a person of clean habits
. Cleanliness in itself gives us a good feeling.

Cleanliness helps us remain healthy and fit.
It keeps us free of diseases.
Cleanliness is a pre-requisite for maintaining good hygiene and sanitation.
Cleanliness is also necessary for self-respect and for getting respect from others.
 A man who doesn’t wash and wears dirty clothes, cannot feel proud of himself.
 Other people also cannot respect him. A person who is not clean and neat cannot mix with
a descent society. It is an insult to respectable people to expect them to be friendly with
 a man who is never clean.

Cleanliness makes a person popular. It is a sign of noble souls.
A man of clean habits loves God and others. The character of a man without cleanliness cannot
 be standardized. Today, there are civil laws to promote cleanliness. One has to acquire clean
habits from childhood onwards. The wearing of clean dress adds charm to one’s personality.
Cleanliness makes a person popular. It is a sign of noble souls. A man of clean habits loves
 God and others. The character of a man without cleanliness cannot be standardized.
Today, there are civil laws to promote cleanliness. One has to acquire clean habits from
childhood onwards. The wearing of clean dress adds charm to one’s personality.

Cleanliness of mind is also important. As we keep our body clean, we must also keep
 our mind and heart clean. Dirt is the symbol of moral evil and cleanliness is the symbol
of moral purity. A man may be clean in body, but if his mind is full of evil desires and
 dirty thoughts, he is a dirty man. So one must be clean in mind and body. A clean man can
be a friend of all people. Cleanliness is next to godliness.
           We need to reach a situation where every
Pakistani should feel and say that they are living in a land which full of beauty
and cleanliness.We must keep our homes,roads,streets,rooms and surroundings neat and clean.

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