23 May 2016


 In the name of Allah the most Merciful and Beneficient.
                                   Respected elders and my dear brothers and sisters;

Today, it is an honour for me to be speaking against corruption. Being here with such
honourable people is a great moment in my life.

CORRUPTION is the latest epidemic in the planet,
eating the people, Looting the Nation
no cure, no medicine, no special hospital for the treatment of corruption.

Respectable guests , corruption to a country's system is similar to a virus to a computer system.
A virus damages the working machanism of the computer system and corruption also damages the
whole country's working mechanism.All the corruption is world wide evil phenomenon.

Corruption is the main cause of a country's failure in social, economical and  political aspects.
Corruption is the misuse of public goods by public officials for private purposes.

Pakistan is a vast and beautiful land, however the beauty and the goodwill of this great nation
gets spoilt with the kind of corruption that is happening in Pakistan. Almost in every sector,
one could find corruption happening and corrupt people growing in great abundance day by day.

Corruption starts at the higher levels and it carries its way to the most low levels too.
From the senior officer to the junior officers to the clerks, one would find corrupted people
and the common man would find it difficult to bypass and get his things done.

The major reason of fast creeping corruption are political instability, poverty,
unequal structure of society, unemployment, lack of accountability, weak political
institutions and absence of rule of law.

Respectable guests , a newly built school is mismanaged after a few couple of weeks,
the newly built road is damaged after a couple of few weeks,
the newly built hospital is totally mismanaged after a few couple of weeks ,
It is because of corruption.Because the money that is allocated for targeted sectors never
  reaches properly to these targeted sectors.

Pakistan is the 117th least corrupt nation out of 175 countries,
according to the 2015 Corruption Perceptions Index reported by Transparency International.

In 2002, in a report titled "Nature and Extent of Corruption in the Public Sector",
Transparency International (TI) Pakistan reported that the highest amounts of bribery
were spent on people affiliated with the judiciary.In a 2011 survey,
TI Pakistan identified judiciary as the most corrupt institution in Pakistan alongside police.

Nishtar (2007) explained that “It is also reported that varying quantities of drugs
and medical supplies are stolen from central stores of hospitals and individual
 facilities and are diverted for resale.” Due to these types of corruption our
health sector is not performing well.

All the corruption is world wide evil phenomenon.It is a high time that the government should rise
to the occasion to dicard and uproot its forces , before it becomes too late for us.This is a
great challenge to all members of a good society.The long term solution of this problem lies in
the building of a sound national character.For this purpose we should change
the entire purpose of education.We should make our education ethical,moral and patriotic.Besides
this we shall have to make use of all means of prapanganda like the press,publications,the radio and the
television to achieve this goal.We shall have to create an atmosphere where honesty is appreciated and rewarded.
These are some of the steps which can effectively root out this evil.

This copy culture has to come to an end and we need to reach a situation where every
Pakistani should feel and say that they are living in a land where hardwork is appreciated and honesty is rewarded  and be proud of it.
                                           Thank you.....

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