23 May 2016


  In the name of Allah the most Beneficient and the most Merciful
                                                   Respected elders and my dear brothers and sisters;
                                                                    Assalam o Alaikum

Today, it is an honour for me to be speaking against copy culture. Being here with such
honourable people is a great moment in my life.

The copy culture is eating creative faculties of students mind; it’s a great hurdle not only in their own way towards bright future but in the way of development of our country. Youth the future of nation is destroying its abilities itself, they don’t realize the value of education in this modern era where people have reached moon, discovered universe, technology is at peak, world is moving ahead rapidly but ALAS!

We are so backward just due to this copy culture. How will our students compete with the world? When they just pass examination by doing copy and get a worth piece of paper known as degree without knowledge. This copy culture is injustice with hardworking students; the shinning stars of Jinnah’s Pakistan are those hardworking students and  not the cheaters.

In an education conference Quaid-e-Azam said and I quote: “There is no doubt that future of our state will and must greatly depend upon the type of education and the way in which we bring up our children as the future citizens of Pakistan. Education does not merely mean academic education and even that appears to be of a very poor type. What we have to do is to mobilize our people and build up the character of our future Nation.”

The long term solution of this problem lies in
the building of a sound national character.For this purpose we should change
the entire purpose of education.We should make our education ethical,moral, patriotic and updated.
OUR TEACHERS SHOULD WORK HARD AND USE MODERN METHODES OF TEACHING .The students and the teachers must be provided the modern facilities for teaching and learning . Besides
this we shall have to make use of all means of prapanganda like the press,publications,the radio and the
television to achieve this goal.We shall have to create an atmosphere where honesty is appreciated and rewarded.
These are some of the steps which can effectively root out this evil of copy culture.

This copy culture has to come to an end and we need to reach a situation where every
Pakistani should feel and say that they are living in a land where hidden talent is discovered and encouraged , hardwork is appreciated and honesty is rewarded  and be proud of it.
                                           Thank you.....

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