20 May 2015


                              The process in which solvent molecules surround and interact with solute ions or molecules is called solvation of the solute .

                                            When a solution of a compound is concentrated by evaporation of the solvent and then allowed to cool, the solute separates in the form of crystals.The process is called crystallization.

                                     An ion surrounded by water molecules in an aqueous solution is called hydrated ion.
                     A hydrated ion is surrounded by one or more water molecules.The number of water molecules surrounding an ion depends upon the size and magnitude of charge on the ion e.g Al+++ ion is hydrated easily as compared to CL-.

                          When aqueous solution of any salt is evaporated the crystals of the salt separate out with a definite number of water molecules.
                                                                     Such crystalline substances are called Hydrates e.g. MgCl2.6H2O , CuSO4.5H2O and BaCl2.2H2O etc.  

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